Privacy Policy.

Poké-Decks respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. This
privacy policy is designed to provide information covering how we look after your personal
data when you visit our website and your privacy rights.

About Poké-Decks

The Poke-Decks group consists of our project managers. When referring to ‘Poke-Decks’ we are referring to the relevant individuals involved within the business. The project managers are responsible for the website and data privacy.
Our full details are:
Team responsible for data privacy: Project managers
Email address:
Should you wish to contact us regarding any issues or enquires about data protection please contact us.

The data we collect

Personal data involves any information which we collect from which you can be identified. We may collect, use, and store various types of personal data about you as follows:

Identity data
This includes your first name, last name and email address (your personal identifier when using our member services).

Contact data
Includes your billing address, delivery address, email address, and preferred telephone number.

Financial data
Includes your payment details when making a purchase.

Transaction data
Includes details about payments you have made to us and any items you have purchased from us

Profile data
Includes the email address you use to login, and your password. Please note that your password is encrypted and will not be shown to poké-decks in plaintext.

Usage data
Includes information about how you use our services.

How your personal data is collected

Direct interactions
You may provide identity, contact, and financial data by manually filling in forms to register an account, subscribe to our services, subscribe to marketing emails, providing feedback, or using our services. You may also provide personal data when contacting us directly to make an enquiry.

Automated technologies
As you interact with our services your data is collected by cookies in order to provide our full services. Full information of this can be found in our cookie policy.

How your personal data is used

Your data will be used in line with the law. Your data will most commonly be used in the following scenarios:
• Poké-Decks needs to perform the contract we are entering into, or have entered, with
you in order to provide agreed upon services.
• Poké-Decks is required to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

Listed below are a description of the ways in which we plan to use your personal data:
Purpose: To register you as a new customer
Type of data: Identity, contact, profile
Purpose: Processing and delivering your order
Type of data: Identity, Contact, Financial, Transaction, profile
Purpose: Managing our relationship with you
Type of data: Identity, Contact, Profile
Purpose: To administer site maintenance
Type of data: Identity, Contact, Financial, Transaction, Profile, Usage
: To deliver relevant marketing communications
Type of data: Identity Contact, Financial, Transaction, Profile, Usage
: To provide customer support
Type of data: Identity Contact, Financial, Transaction, Profile, Usage


Should you choose to register for marketing emails, the data we hold about you may be used to ensure the marketing you receive is relevant and within your legitimate interests and ours. You will not receive marketing emails unless you subscribe to this service.


Our website requires cookies in order to function correctly. You can set your browser to refuse all or some cookies however if cookies are disabled, please be aware that certain areas of our website may be inaccessible.

Disclosure to third parties

You may have to share your personal data with third parties as detailed below:
• Third party service providers which we use to close transactions and payments through our e-commerce platform
• Third party service providers for website management, maintenance, and support
• Third party service providers relied upon for website functionality

Data security

Appropriate security measures have been implemented to protect your personal data from being lost, stolen, altered, disclosed, or accessed in an unauthorised way. Procedures are in place should we have to deal with a suspected data breach, and you will are committed to notifying you alongside applicable regulators where we are legally required to do so.

Your legal rights

You have the right to:
• Request access to your personal data
• Request correction of your personal data
• Request erasure of your personal data
• Request the transfer of your data
• Withdraw your consent at any time